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Jesteś tutaj
Visual Therapy in Open Space Rehabilitation of Acquired Visual Field Defect
Case Report, 2018, 8, 5
A. Przekoracka-Krawczyk
, A. Michalski, M. Wojtczak-Kwaśniewska
Efektywność optometrycznej terapii wzroku w akomodacyjnej ezotropii z wysokim AC/A
OphthaTherapy, 2018, 5, 3, 201-205
A. Przekoracka-Krawczyk
, M. Wojtczak-Kwaśniewska
Photoelectrochemically Active N‐Adsorbing Ultrathin TiO2 Layers for Water‐Splitting Applications Prepared by Pyrolysis of Oleic Acid on Iron Oxide Nanoparticle Surfaces under Nitrogen Environment
WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co.
A. Kertmen
, Enzo Barbe, Mariusz Szkoda , Katarzyna Siuzdak , V. Babačić, Pau Torruella,
I. Iatsunskyi
, Michał Kotkowiak , Karol Rytel, Sonia Estrade, Francesca Peiro,
S. Jurga
, Yanguang Li,
L. E. Coy
Microstructures photo album
NanoBioMedical Centre, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland, 2018, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2533061, ISBN: 978-83-950131-0-2.
K. Tadyszak
O. Ivashchenko
B. Peplińska
J. Litowczenko-Cybulska
I. Iatsunskyi
K. Załęski
A. Warowicka
B. Scheibe
D. Flak
B. Wereszczyńska
J. Wychowaniec
M. Kasprzak
K. Żebrowska
R. Mrówczyński
P. Florczak
A. Subrati
P. Graczyk
A. Kertmen
, M. Bechelany,
L. E. Coy
, E. Gonzalez,
N. Babayevska
K. Szcześniak
M. Kempiński
B. Kawczyński
, M. Nowak
High-temperature Magnetodielectric Bi(Fe0.5Mn0.5)O3 Thin Films with Checkerboard-Ordered Oxygen Vacancies and Low Magnetic Damping
Phys. Rev. Applied, 2018, 10, 054072
L. E. Coy
, I. Fina,
K. Załęski
A. Krysztofik
, L. Yate, L. Rodriguez,
P. Graczyk
, H. Głowiński, C. Ferrater, J. Dubowik, M. Varela
1st Symposium on Polydopamine and NanoTech Poland 2018: Conference Report
Biomimetics, 2018, 3(4), 37
R. Mrówczyński
, M. d’Ischia, H. Lee,
S. Jurga
Clear distinction between CAC and CMC revealed by high-resolution NMR diffusometry for a series of bis-imidazolium gemini surfactants in aqueous solutions
RSC Advances, 2018, 67
K. Szutkowski
, Ż. Kołodziejska, Z. Pietralik,
I. Zhukov
, A. Skrzypczak, K. Materna, M. Kozak
GQDs-MSNs nanocomposite nanoparticles for simultaneous intracellular drug delivery and fluorescent imaging
Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2018, 20:306
D. Flak
Ł. Przysiecka
G. Nowaczyk
B. Scheibe
M. Kościński
, T. Jesionowski,
S. Jurga
Biomedical Applications of Graphene-Based Structures
Nanomaterials, 2018, 8(11), 944
K. Tadyszak
J. Wychowaniec
J. Litowczenko-Cybulska
Diversity of methyl group dynamics in felodipine: a DFT supported NMR and QENS study
CrystEngComm, 2018, 10.1039/C8CE01605D
A. Pajzderska, K. Drużbicki, M. A. Gonzalez,
J. Jenczyk
, J. Mielcarek,
J. Wąsicki
High-Performance Nanowire Hydrogen Sensors by Exploiting the Synergistic Effect of Pd Nanoparticles and Metal–Organic Framework Membranes
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2018, 10 (40), 34765–34773
M. Weber, J. H. Kim, J. H. Lee, J. Y. Kim,
I. Iatsunskyi
L. E. Coy
, M. Drobek, A. Julbe, M. Bechelany, S. S. Kim
Behaviour of charge carriers in thermally reduced graphene oxide: Magnetism and ambipolar transport
Appl. Phys. Lett., 2018, 113, 172408
M. Kempiński
, S. Łoś,
P. Florczak
, W. Kempiński
Characterization of three generations of transgenic pigs expressing the HLA-E gene
Annals of Animal Science, 2018, 10.2478/aoas-2018-0034
M. Hryhorowicz, J. Zeyland, A. Nowak-Terpiłowska, J. Jura, W. Juzwa,
R. Słomski
, J. Bocianowski, Z. Smorag,
A. Woźniak
, D. Lipiński
On the Structure of Ultrathin FeO Films on Ag(111)
Nanomaterials, 2018, 8(10), 828
M. Lewandowski
, T. Pabisiak, N. Michalak,
Z. Miłosz
, V. Babačić,
Y. Wang
, M. Hermanowicz, K. Palotás,
S. Jurga
, A. Kiejna
Symmetry-Induced Structuring of Ultrathin FeO and Fe3O4 Films on Pt(111) and Ru(0001)
Nanomaterials, 2018, 8(9), 719
N. Michalak,
Z. Miłosz
, G. Peschel, M. Prieto, F. Xiong,
P. Wojciechowski
, T. Schmidt,
M. Lewandowski
ZnS coating for enhanced environmental stability and improved properties of ZnO thin films
RSC Advances, 2018, 8 (43), 24411-24421
A. Baranowska-Korczyc
M. Kościński
L. E. Coy
B. Grześkowiak
M. Jasiurkowska-Delaporte
B. Peplińska
S. Jurga
Strain- and Adsorption-Dependent Electronic States and Transport or Localization in Graphene
Springer Proceedings in Physics, 2018, 210, 25-41.
T. M. Radchenko, I. Yu. Sagalianov, V. A. Tatarenko, Y. I. Prylutskyy, P. Szroeder,
M. Kempiński
, W. Kempiński
Sodium citrate stabilized Ag NPs under thermal treatment, electron-beam and laser irradiations
Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 2018, Article in Press.
P. Filipczak, M. Borkowski, P. Chudobinski, S. Bres, M. Matusiak,
G. Nowaczyk
, M. Kozanecki
Geography in motion: Hexagonal spatial systems in fuzzy gravitation
Environment and Planning A, 2018, Article in Press
M. Banaszak
, M. Dziecielski, P. Nijkamp, W. Ratajczak
Photophysical properties and photocytotoxicity of free and liposome-entrapped diazepinoporphyrazines on LNCaP cells under normoxic and hypoxic conditions
European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2018, 150, 64-73
E. Wieczorek, D. T. Mlynarczyk, M. Kucinska, J. Dlugaszewska, J. Piskorz,
Ł. Popenda
, W. Szczolko,
S. Jurga
, M. Murias, J. Mielcarek, T. Goslinski
TiO2-ZnO binary oxide systems: Comprehensive characterization and tests of photocatalytic activity
Materials, 2018, 11(5): 841
K. Siwińska-Stefańska, A. Kubiak , A. Piasecki, J. Goscianska,
G. Nowaczyk
S. Jurga
, T. Jesionowski
Electrochemically Obtained TiO2/CuxOy Nanotube Arrays Presenting a Photocatalytic Response in Processes of Pollutants Degradation and Bacteria Inactivation in Aqueous Phase
Catalysts, 2018, 8 (6), 237
M. Kozak, P. Mazierski , J. Żebrowska, M. Kobylański, T. Klimczuk, W. Lisowski, G. Trykowski ,
G. Nowaczyk
, A. Zaleska-Medynska
Communication: Molecular-level description of constrained chain topologies in multiblock copolymer gel networks
J Chem Phys., 2018, 148(23):231101
M. O. Tuhin, S. Woloszczuk, K. P. Mineart, M. A. Pasquinelli, D. Sadler, S. D. Smith,
M. Banaszak
, R. J. Spontak
Modelling of the cathodic and anodic photocurrents from Rhodobacter sphaeroides reaction centres immobilized on titanium dioxide
Photosynthesis Research, 2018, 1-12, Article in Press
R. Białek, D. J. K. Swainsbury,
M. Wiesner
, M. R. Jones, K. Gibasiewicz
Titania nanotubes modified by a pyrolyzed metal-organic framework with zero valent iron centres as a photoanode with enhanced photoelectrochemical, photocatalytical activity and high capacitance
Electrochimica Acta, 2018, 278, 13-24
M. Szkoda, K. Trzciński, A. P. Nowak,
L. E. Coy
, L. Wicikowski, M. Łapiński, K. Siuzdak, A. Lisowska-Oleksiak
The influence of polarization of titania nanotubes modified by a hybrid system made of a conducting polymer PEDOT and Prussian Blue redox network on the Raman spectroscopy response and photoelectrochemical properties
Electrochimica Acta, 2018, 279, 34-43
M. Szkoda,
G. Nowaczyk
, A. Lisowska-Oleksiak, K. Siuzdak
TiO2-CoxOy composite nanotube arrays via one step electrochemical anodization for visible light-induced photocatalytic reaction
Surfaces and Interfaces, 2018, 12, 179-189
M. Kobylański, P. Mazierski , A. Malankowska, M. Kozak,
M. Diak
, M. Winiarski, T. Klimczuk, W. Lisowski,
G. Nowaczyk
, A. Zaleska-Medynska
Microstructure, phase composition and mechanical properties of novel nanocomposite (TiAlSiY)N and nano-scale (TiAlSiY)N/MoN multifunctional heterostructures
Surface and Coatings Technology Volume 350, 25 September 2018, Pages 376-390
A.V. Pshyk
, Y. Kravchenko,
L. E. Coy
M. Kempiński
I. Iatsunskyi
K. Załęski
, A. D. Pogrebnjak,
S. Jurga
Structural and mechanical characterization of (TiZrNbHfTa)N/WN multilayered nitride coatings
Materials Letters, 2018, 229, 364-367
A. A. Bagdasaryan,
A.V. Pshyk
L. E. Coy
M. Kempiński
, A. D. Pogrebnjak, V. M. Beresnev,
S. Jurga
Polydopamine grafted on an advanced Fe3O4/lignin hybrid material and its evaluation in biosensing
Applied Surface Science, 2018, 455, 455-464
A. Jędrzak
, T. Rębiś, M. Nowicki, K. Synoradzki,
R. Mrówczyński
, T. Jesionowski
Nano-multilayered coatings of (TiAlSiY)N/MeN (Me=Mo, Cr and Zr): Influence of composition of the alternating layer on their structural and mechanical properties
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2018, 767, 483-495
Ya. O. Kravchenko,
L. E. Coy
B. Peplińska
I. Iatsunskyi
K. Załęski
M. Kempiński
, V. M. Beresnev, P. Konarski,
S. Jurga
, A. D. Pogrebnjak
Effect of nitrogen flow ratio on microstructure, mechanical and tribological properties of TiWSiNx thin film deposited by magnetron co-sputtering
Applied Surface Science, 2018, 456, 445-456
H. A. Macías, L. Yate,
L. E. Coy
, J. J. Olaya, W. Aperador
Resistivity switching in activated carbon fibers
Materials Letters, 2018, 230, 2018, 180-182
M. Kempiński
Preparation and characterization of partially reduced graphene oxide aerogels doped with transition metal ions
Journal of Materials Science, 2018, 53, 23, 16086–16098
K. Tadyszak
, Ł. Majchrzycki, Ł. Szyller,
B. Scheibe
Gel with silver and ultrasmall iron oxide nanoparticles produced with Amanita muscaria extract: physicochemical characterization, microstructure analysis and anticancer properties
Scientific Reports, 2018, 8, 13260
O. Ivashchenko
Ł. Przysiecka
B. Peplińska
M. Jarek
L. E. Coy
S. Jurga
Systems Biology
Springer, 2018, Book Series: RNA Technologies
N. Rajewsky,
S. Jurga
J. Barciszewski
Direct observation of polymer surface mobility via nanoparticle vibrations
Nature Communications, 2018, 9, 2918
H. Kim, Y. Cang, E. Kang, , M. Secchi, M. Montagna, R. D. Priestley, E. M. Furst, G. Fytas
Elucidating the Structure of Ranitidine Hydrochloride Form II: Insights from Solid-State Spectroscopy and ab initio Simulations
Cryst. Growth Des., 2018, DOI: 10.1021/acs.cgd.8b00639
K. Drużbicki, A. Pajzderska, D. Chudoba,
J. Jenczyk
M. Jarek
, J. Mielcarek,
J. Wąsicki
Tetrapyrazinoporphyrazine with eight peripheral adamantanylsulfanyl units – Synthesis and physicochemical study
Synthetic Metals, 2018, 244, 66-72
A. Tillo, M. Kryjewski, W. Bendzińska-Berus, D. Langer, T. Rebis,
Ł. Popenda
S. Jurga
, J. Mielcarek, T. Goslinski, E. Tykarskaa
A new low-cost polymeric adsorbents with polyamine chelating groups for efficient removal of heavy metal ions from water solutions
Reactive and Functional Polymers, 2018, 131, 64-74
M. Cegłowski, B. Gierczyk, M. Frankowski,
Ł. Popenda
The engagement of cortical areas preceding exogenous vergence eye movements
M. Wojtczak-Kwaśniewska,
A. Przekoracka-Krawczyk
, R. Van der Lubbe
In situ ambient pressure XPS observation of surface chemistry and electronic structure of α-Fe2O3 and γ-Fe2O3 nanoparticles
Applied Surface Science, 2018, 454
D. Flak
, Q. Chen, B. Simon Mun, Z. Liu, M. Rękas, A. Braun
Tailoring magnetization and anisotropy of tetragonal Mn3Ga thin films by strain-induced growth and spin orbit coupling
Intermetallics, 2018, 92, 20-24
R. M. Gutiérrez-Pérez, R. López Antón,
K. Załęski
, J. T. Holguín-Momaca, F. Espinosa-Magaña, S. F. Olive-Méndez
Antibacterial Activity of In Situ Prepared Chitosan/Silver Nanoparticles Solution Against Methicillin-Resistant Strains of Staphylococcus aureus
Nanoscale Res Lett., 13(1):71
V. Holubnycha , O. Kalinkevich,
O. Ivashchenko
, M. Pogorielov
Binocular summation evaluated by early and late visual evoked potentials
Optica Applicata, 2018, XLVIII, 1
M. Czaińska,
A. Przekoracka-Krawczyk
R. Naskręcki
, R. Van Der Lubbe
UV-Vis-Induced Degradation of Phenol over Magnetic Photocatalysts Modified with Pt, Pd, Cu and Au Nanoparticles
Nanomaterials 2018, 8(1), 28
I. Wysocka, E. Kowalska, K. Trzciński, M. Łapiński,
G. Nowaczyk
, A. Zielińska-Jurek
Interstitial micelles in binary blends of ABA triblock copolymers and homopolymers
Physical Review E, 2018, 97 (1), 012503
S. Wołoszczuk,
M. Banaszak
Delivery of chemotherapeutics using spheres made of bioengineered spider silks derived from MaSp1 and MaSp2 proteins
Nanomedicine, 2018, 13 (4), 439-454
K. Jastrzębska
A. Florczak
, K. Kucharczyk, Y. Lin, Q. Wang,
A. Mackiewicz
, H. Dams-Kozlowska
Cilostazol-Loaded Poly(ε-Caprolactone) Electrospun Drug Delivery System for Cardiovascular Applications
Pharmaceutical Research, 2018, 35 (2), 32
M. Rychter
A. Baranowska-Korczyc
, B. Milanowski,
M. Jarek
B.M.M. Maciejewska
L. E. Coy
, J. Lulek
Impact of PKCε downregulation on autophagy in glioblastoma cells
BMC Cancer, 2018, 18 (1), 185
E. Toton, A. Romaniuk, N. Konieczna, J. Hofmann,
J. Barciszewski
, M. Rybczynska
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Mothers’ cafeteria diet induced sex-specific changes in fat content, metabolic profiles, and inflammation outcomes in rat offspring
J. Matuszewska,
T. Zalewski
A. Klimaszyk
, K. Ziarniak,
S. Jurga
, A. Chmurzynska, J. H. Sliwowska
Mothers’ cafeteria diet induced sex-specific changes in fat content, metabolic profiles, and inflammation outcomes in rat offspring
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