dr Nataliya Babayevska
Stopień naukowy:
Ph.D. in Technical Sciences, Specialization: Materials Science, Institute for Single Crystals NAS of Ukraine, (2010)
+48 61 829 6717
Zainteresowania naukowe:
Patenty / wnioski patentowe:
- Patent of Ukraine "Red Emission Phosphor", N.V. Babayevska, O.N. Bezkrovna, S.S. Olіynik, Yu.N. Savvіn, A.V. Tolmachov. Patent of Ukraine № 89328 11 2010 Dire p.
Wybrane publikacje:
- O. S. Bezkrovnyi, N. V. Babayevskaya, P. V. Mateychenko, O. M. Vovk, A. G. Doroshenko, D. S. Sofronov, Structure, luminescence and morphology stability of (Lu1-xEux)2O3 thin films, Crystal Research and Technology, 2014, 49(2-3), 85–91.
- N. V. Babayevskaya, Yu. N. Savin, O. O. Matvienko, V. V. Varchenko, A. P. Kryshtal, M. F. Prodanov, Yu. A. Gurkalenko, V. V. Vaschenko, The influence of surface modification of ZnO nanocrystals on the structure and photovoltaic properties of MEH-PPV/nc-ZnO nanocomposite films, Functional Materials, 2013, 20(4), 438-444.
- N. V. Babaevskaya, A. S. Kryzhanovskaya, N. A. Matveevskaya, P. V. Mateichenko, R. P. Yavetskii, A. V. Tolmachev, S. E. Tret’yak, Composite phosphor films based on spherical Lu2O3:Eu3+ nanoparticles, Technical Physics Letters 2011, 37(2), 174-177.
- N. V. Babayevskaya, T. G. Deyneka, P. V. Маteychenko, N. А. Matveevskaya, А. V. Тоlmachev, R. P. Yavetskiy Fabrication and characterization of Lu2O3:Eu3+ nanopowders and X-ray films, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2010, 507(2), L26-L31.
- N. V. Babayevskaya, A. S. Bezkrovnyi, P. V. Mateychenko, O. M. Vovk, A. V. Tolmachev, R. P. Yavetskiy, Sol-gel processing of transparent Lu2O3:Eu3+ phosphor film, Functional Materials 2010, 17(4), 537-542.