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Oferujemy 4-letnie stypendium doktoranckie w Centrum NanoBioMedycznym Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu w grupie Prof. UAM dr. hab. Mikołaja Lewandowskiego (

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Technological innovations that cover virtually every branch of medicine and health care are necessary to provide safe, precise, and thus more efficient prevention and treatment of diseases. This progress is manifested as well in recent advancements in functional nanomaterials and nanotechnologies for diagnostics, therapeutics, and drug delivery systems, showing increasingly promising outcomes in clinical trials. In this Special Issue, we would like to highlight the growing interest in this field of advanced functional nanomaterials, currently becoming more and more established. Therefore, submissions covering all aspects of novel nanomaterials and nanotechnologies and their applications throughout the medicinal and healthcare field are welcome.

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The job offer refers to the position in the SONATA project (National Science Center) titled “Development and characterization of a novel bioink for fabrication of 3D printed bioartificial pulsatile prosthesis for applications in tissue engineering – PulsBioInk” (Contract number: 2022/47/D/ST5/03467) under the supervision of dr Jagoda Litowczenko-Cybulska

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The job offer refers to the position in the SONATA project (National Science Center) titled “Flexoelectricity in Photocatalysis: Photoflexocatalysis - FlexPho2” (Contract number: 2021/43/D/ST5/01116) under the supervision of dr hab. Emerson Coy, Prof. UAM.

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Wykonanie prac eksperymentalnych polegających na wytworzeniu modelowych katalizatorów jednoatomowych Fe/Gr/Ru(0001) i określeniu ich właściwości elektronowych

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W dniach 26-27 kwietnia 2023 roku w Poznaniu (Poznań Congress Center) odbędą się Targi Wyposażenia i Technologii Laboratoryjnych Labs Expo.

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The Organizing Committee of the AMPERE NMR School 2023 has a great pleasure to invite you to attend this scientific event.

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The Organizing Committee of the NanoTech Poland 2023 - 13th International Conference, 14th-16th June 2023, has a great pleasure to invite you to attend this scientific event and to enjoy the community of professionals in the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology.

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W imieniu Komitetu Organizacyjnego, serdecznie zapraszamy do udziału w Konferencji „Uniwersytet w czasach pandemii – nauka, dydaktyka, administracja”. Konferencja odbędzie się 09.12.2022 (piątek) na Uniwersytecie Przyrodniczym w Poznaniu i będzie miała formułę hybrydową.

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