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Seminaria 2020/21


    • 17.06.2021 10:00
      Can plasmons break symmetry of 2D materials
    • 27.05.2021 10:00
      Effect of morphology on PL, toxicity, and antibacterial properties of ZnO
    • 20.05.2021 10:00
      NMR analysis of interstrand photocrosslinked DNA duplex
    • 13.05.2021 10:00
      Fundamentals of Clinical Trials
    • 06.05.2021 10:00
      SQUID - a sensitive tool for magnetic measurements
    • 29.04.2021 10:00
      Cryo TEM microscopy as a tool for 3D structure’s investigation of biomolecules and soft matter systems
    • 22.04.2021 10:00
      From fundamentals of magnetism to spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy (SP-STM)
    • 15.04.2021 10:00
      Nanoparticle self-organization: what we can learn from nature; methods for investigation
    • 08.04.2021 10:00
      Szczepionki przeciwko koronawirusowi SARS-CoV-2
      dr Michał Taube, Zakład Fizyki Makromolekularnej, Wydział Fizyki UAM
    • 25.03.2021 10:00
      Szczepionki przeciwko koronawirusowi SARS-CoV-2
      dr Michał Taube, Zakład Fizyki Makromolekularnej, Wydział Fizyki UAM
    • 18.03.2021 10:00
      Structure and nanostructure in ionic liquids
    • 11.03.2021 10:00
      Nucleic acids technology in cancer therapy
    • 04.03.2021 10:00
      Understanding the Interface of Polydopamine and Semiconductor Nanocomposites Towards Photocatalytic Water Splitting
    • 25.02.2021 10:00
      Wpływ topografii materiałów i nanomateriałów węglowych na zachowanie komórek neuralnych
    • 18.02.2021 10:00
      Molecular dynamics in lipid membranes
    • 11.02.2021 10:00
      Abtibacterial properties of nanoparticles
    • 04.02.2021 10:00
      High entropy transition metal nitride thin films alloyed with Al or Si: microstructure, phase composition, and functional properties
    • 28.01.2021 10:00
      Cell membrane camouflaged nanoparticles for tumor targeted drug delivery
    • 21.01.2021 10:00
      3D ZnO hierarchical nanostructures: solution synthesis and application as drug carriers
    • 14.01.2021 10:00
      How has our understanding of phase transitions evolved?
      dr hab. Piotr Tomczak, prof. UAM
    • 17.12.2020 10:00
      Podsumowanie roku 2020 - spotkanie przedświąteczne
    • 10.12.2020 10:00
      Nanobiosensor wirusa SARS-CoV-2 z detekcją w świetle UV
    • 03.12.2020 10:00
      Manganese oxide nanoparticles - contrast agents for MRI
    • 26.11.2020 10:00
      Modyfikacja sekwencji nukleotydowej genomów. Nagroda Nobla z chemii 2020.
    • 19.11.2020 10:00
      RNA duplexes with an internal pseudouridine-adenosine base pair - NMR studies
    • 05.11.2020 10:00
      Heusler Alloys - growth and structure
    • 29.10.2020 10:00
      Quo Vadis, SILICON?
    • 22.10.2020 10:00
      Thermodynamic pathway between the non-polar and ferroelectric polymorphs of guanidinium ethoxysulfonate
    • 15.10.2020 10:00
      Effective nuclear magnetic field concept in polarized spins system
    • 08.10.2020 10:00
      MRI Contrast Agents: today and in the future
    • 01.10.2020 14:00
      Metal–organic frameworks: opportunities and challenges in the area of biomedicine

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