Book was prepared by the employees of the NanoBioMedical Center at the Adam Mickiewicz University to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Poznań University foundation
Book was prepared by the employees of the NanoBioMedical Center at the Adam Mickiewicz University to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Poznań University foundation
The seminar, titled: “Defect Engineering in Hybrid Porous Materials for Enhanced Energy Technologies”
Date: 16th January
Time: 11:00 AM
Location: Sala im. S. Jurgi
This review presents the latest innovations and trends in the field of surface functionalization of various nanomaterials. The most recent protocols of smart materials fabrication as well as the main challenges which should be overcome in order to improve their final performance are discussed here. Particular attention has been paid to the properties improvement of polymer, silica, inorganic and hybrid nanomaterials and their potential for application in many fields, from industry, materials science, environmental protection to advanced biomedicine.
The job offer refers to the position in the NCN OPUS 24 project (National Science Center) entitled “Heterostructures for ultrafast scintillation detectors” (Contract number: DEC-2022/47/B/ST5/02288)