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Boron Nitride Nanoporous Membranes with High Surface Charge by Atomic Layer Deposition

ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2017, 9 (19), 16669–16678
M. Weber, B. Koonkaew, S. Balme, I. Utke, F. Picaud, I. Iatsunskyi, L. E. Coy, P. Miele, M. Bechelany

The synthesis, characterization and ZnS surface passivation of polycrystalline ZnO films obtained by the spin-coating method

Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 695, 1196–1204
A. Baranowska-Korczyc, A. Reszka, K. Sobczak, T. Wojciechowski, K. Fronc

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