Influence of silver content on rifampicin adsorptivity for magnetite/Ag/rifampicin nanoparticles

Rok publikacji: 2017
Wydawca:  Nanotechnology, 2017, 28(5) 055603
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Magnetite nanoparticles (NPs) decorated with silver (magnetite/Ag) are intensively investigated due to their application in the biomedical field. We demonstrate that the increase of silver content on the surface of nanoparticles improves the adsorptivity of antibiotic rifampicin as well as antibacterial properties. The use of ginger extract allowed to improve the silver nucleation on the magnetite surface that resulted in an increase of silver content. Physicochemical and functional characterization of magnetite/Ag NPs was performed. Our results show that 5%–10% of silver content in magnetite/Ag NPs is already sufficient for antimicrobial properties against Streptococcus salivarius and Staphylococcus aureus. The rifampicin molecules on the magnetite/Ag NPs surface made the spectrum of antimicrobial activity wider. Cytotoxicity evaluation of the magnetite/Ag/rifampicin NPs showed no harmful action towards normal human fibroblasts, whereas the effect on human embryonic kidney cell viability was time and dose dependent.

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