Brillouin spectroscopy and finite element method study of surface acoustic wave propagation in clean and Fe3O4(111) covered Pt(111) and Ru(0001) single crystals

Rok publikacji: 2015
Wydawca:  Surface and Coatings Technology, 2015, 271, 13-17
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A. Trzaskowska, S. Mielcarek, M. Lewandowski, Z. Miłosz, R. Ranecki, L. E. Coy, M. Jarek, T. Luciński, S. Jurga
Brillouin light scattering was used to study surface acoustic wave propagation in platinum (111) and ruthenium (0001) single crystals, both clean and loaded with a few-nanometre-thick epitaxial magnetite (111) film. The results revealed the influence of the film loading on the velocity of surface acoustic wave propagation in the studied samples. The surface acoustic modes were additionally analysed by finite element method simulations.

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