Communication: Synperiplnar to antiperiplanar conformation changes as underlying the mechanism od Debye proces in supercooled ibuprofen

Rok publikacji: 2013
Wydawca:  Journal of Chemical Physics, 2013, 139(11), 111103
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K. Kamiński, M. Dulski, T. Włodarczyk, G. Bartkowiak, Ł. Popenda, S. Jurga, J. Kujawski, I. Kruk, M. K. Bernard, M. Paluch
In this Communication, we present experimental studies that put new insight into the puzzling nature of the Debye relaxation found in the supercooled liquid state of racemic ibuprofen. The appearance of D-relaxation in the loss spectra of non-hydrogen bonding methylated derivate of ibuprofen has proven that Debye relaxation is related solely with conformational changes of the carboxyl group, termed in this paper as synperiplanar-antiperiplanar. Our studies indicate that the presence of hydrogen bonding capabilities is not here the necessary condition to observe Debye process, however, their occurrence might strongly influence α- and D-relaxations dynamics. Interestingly, the activation energy of the D-process in ibuprofen methyl ester on approaching Tg was found to be perfectly consistent with that reported for ibuprofen by Affouard and Correia [J. Phys. Chem. B 114, 11397–11402 (2010)] (∼39 kJ/mol). Finally, IR measurements suggest that the equilibrium between conformers concentration depends on time and temperature, which might explain why the appearance of D-relaxation in supercooled ibuprofen depends on thermal history of the sample.

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