Topographic reconstruction and mechanical analysis of atomic layer deposited Al2O3/TiO2 nanolaminates by nanoindentation

Rok publikacji: 2016
Wydawca:  Materials & Design, 2016, Volume 111, 584–591
Zobacz publikację
A novel method of nanomechanical testing of multilayered Al2O3/TiO2 nanolaminates was implemented by the nanoindentation technique. The indentation data were reconstructed and filtered by a statistical analysis algorithm and presented as a function of the penetration depth of the indenter. Results show the increment of mechanical properties on the laminates as a function of the amorphous interfaces of the individual layers and the effective control of the wear rate of the structures for further applications. The results presented show both important insights on the mechanical behavior of nanolaminates and the further applicability of the reconstruction model for error reduction on mechanical testing of nanolaminate samples

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