Dynamical properties of nimodipine molecules confined in SBA-15 matrix

Rok publikacji: 2016
Wydawca:  Chemical Physics, 2016, 475, 126–130
Zobacz publikację
A. Kiwilsza, A. Pajzderska, J. Mielcarek, J. Jenczyk, J. Wąsicki
The paper reports results of 13C and 1H ssNMR for nimodipine confined in mesopores of SBA-15 for the samples (i) containing nimodipine molecules inside and on the external surface of silica, (ii) containing nimodipine only inside pores forming an incomplete monolayer on the surface (iii) for bulk nimodipine. The measurements permitted comparison of the dynamics of nimodipine bulk and confined in pores. The confined nimodipine is in an amorphous state and has additional degrees of rotational freedom with respect to the bulk one. The height of the energy barrier related to the rotation of methyl groups in confined nimodipine is lower than in bulk nimodipine. The higher mobility of nimodipine molecules confined in silica pores can explain the higher release rate of nimodipine from silica matrix than dissolution rate of bulk drug

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