Computer enhancement of ESR spectra of magnetite nanoparticles

Rok publikacji: 2016
Wydawca:  Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2016, vol. 407, 114-121
Zobacz publikację
B. Dobosz, M. Koralewski, M. Hałupka-Bryl
We present ESR measurements of non-interacting magnetic nanoparticle systems. Temperature and orientational dependence of ESR spectra were measured for Fe3O4 nanoparticle coated by dextran or oleic acid, frozen in different magnetic field. Several parameters describing magnetic properties such as g-factor, line width, the anisotropy constant were calculated and discussed. The ESR spectra of investigated nanoparticles were also subjected to Computer Resolution Enhancement Method (CREM). This procedure allows to separate a narrow line on the background of the broad line, which presence in this type of materials was recognized in the recent literature and have been further discussed in the paper. CREM is a valuable tool for monitoring of changes on the surface of magnetic core of nanoparticles

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