Kierownik projektu:
dr Igor Iatsunskyi
1.282.500,00 €
Data rozpoczęcia:
01.01.2018 r.
Czas trwania:
48 miesięcy
The project CanBioSe targeted to strengthen international and intersectoral collaboration, sharing new ideas and knowledge transfer from research to market and vice versa in the field of nanostructured metal oxide optical biosensors for cancer cells detection. Interdisciplinary project research and innovation goals are targeted to develop a new portable tool for early stage cancer detection which can solve on of important health challenges in EU society. One dimensional (1D) polimer nanofibers will be deposited by electrospinning technique. Photonic nanomaterials, based on metal oxide based nanostructures (ZnO, ZnO/Al2O3 nanolaminates, Au/ZnO and ZnO/Au) will coat the 1D nanofibers. Metal oxides and Au nanoparticles will be deposited with Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) and electrophoresis, respectively. Bioselective layer will be formed by immobilization of specific antibodies on the biosensor surface. Photoluminescence and optical spectroscopy will be used for recording of the biosensor signal. Biosensor testing will be performed on cancer cells (human chronic lymphocyte leukemia (CLL) leucosis and acute lymphoblastic leucosis). The biosensor will be integrated with microfluidic system in order to minimize dimensions and simplify the use of the detection system.