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Combined reactive/non-reactive DC magnetron sputtering of high temperature composite AlN-TiB2-TiSi2
Materials & Design 2016, 94, 230–239
A.V. Pshyk
L. E. Coy
, L. Yate,
K. Załęski
G. Nowaczyk
, A.D. Pogrebnjak,
S. Jurga
iRGD peptide as effective transporter of CuInZnxS2 + x quantum dots into human cancer cells
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2016, 146, 9–18
Ł. Przysiecka
M. Michalska
G. Nowaczyk
B. Peplińska
, T. Jesionowski, R. Schneider,
S. Jurga
Rapamycin Loaded Solid Lipid Nanoparticles as a New Tool to Deliver mTOR Inhibitors: Formulation and in Vitro Characterization
Nanomaterials, 2016, 6(5), 87
A. Polchi, A. Magini,
J. Mazuryk
, B. Tancini,
J. Gapiński
A. Patkowski
, S. Giovagnoli, C. Emiliani
Structural and mechanical properties of NbN and Nb-Si-N films: Experiment and molecular dynamics simulations
Ceramics International, 2016, 42, 11743–11756
A. D. Pogrebnjak,
O. V. Bondar
, G. Abadias, V. Ivashchenko, O. V. Sobol,
S. Jurga
L. E. Coy
Capturing reaction paths and intermediates in Cre-loxP recombination using single-molecule fluorescence
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2012, 109(51):20871-6
J. Pinkney, P. Zawadzki,
J. Mazuryk
, D. Sheratt, A. Kapanidis
Analysis of the Distribution of Energy Barriers in Amorphous Diazepam on the Basis of Computationally Supported NMR Relaxation Data
J. Phys. Chem. B., 2016, 120, 10723-10728
A. Pajzderska,
M. Jarek
, J. Mielcarek,
J. Wąsicki
On the molecular dynamics in long-acting calcium channel blocker lacidipine: solid-state NMR, neutron scattering and periodic DFT study
RSC Advances, 2016, 6, 66617 - 66629
A. Pajzderska, K. Drużbicki,
A. Kiwilsza
, M. A. Gonzalez,
J. Jenczyk
S. Jurga
, J. Mielcarek,
J. Wąsicki
Assessment of polydopamine coated magnetic nanoparticles in doxorubicin delivery
RSC Advances, 2016, 6, 5936-5943
R. Mrówczyński
, J. Jurga-Stopa,
R. Markiewicz
L. E. Coy
S. Jurga
A. Woźniak
Impact of CYP2E1, GSTA1 and GSTP1 gene variants on serum alpha glutathione S-transferase level in patients undergoing anaesthesia
BMC Medical Genetics, 2016, DOI: 10.1186/s12881-016-0302-6
A. Mikstacki, M. Skrzypczak-Zielinska,
O. Zakreska-Banaszak
, B. Tamowicz, M. Skibinska, M. Molinska-Glura, M. Szalata,
R. Słomski
Peptide-functionalized ZCIS QDs as fluorescent nanoprobe for targeted HER2-positive breast cancer cells imaging
Acta Biomaterialia, 2016, 35, 293–304
M. Michalska
A. Florczak
, H. Dams-Kozłowska,
J. Gapiński
S. Jurga
, R Schneider
Rapamycin-loaded solid lipid nanoparticles: morphology and the impact of the drug loading on the lipid polymorphs
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2016, 502, 54–65
J. Mazuryk
T. Deptuła
, A. Polchi,
J. Gapiński
, S. Giovagnoli, A. Magini, C. Emiliani, J. Kohlbrecher,
A. Patkowski
Synthesis and encapsulation of fluorescein in zeolite Y
Microporous & Mesoporous Materials, 2016, 236, 79–84
M. Łukarska, A. Jankowska,
J. Gapiński
, S. Valable, C. Anfray, B. Ménard, S. Mintova, S. Kowalak
Nanoscale Patterns on Polar Oxide Surfaces
Chemistry of Materials, 2016, 28, 7433-7443
M. Lewandowski
, I. M. N. Groot, Z.-H. Qin, T. Ossowski, T. Pabisiak, A. Kiejna, A. Pavlovska, S. Shaikhutdinov, H.-J. Freund, E. Bauer
The influence of oxidation process on exchange bias in egg-shaped FeO/Fe3O4
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2016, 416, 269-274
B. Leszczyński
, G.C. Hadjipanayis, A.A. El-Gendy,
K. Załęski
, Z. Śniadecki,
A. Musiał
M. Jarek
S. Jurga
, A. Skumiel
Dry encapsulation of fluorescein in FAU type zeolite
SUBMITTED to Microporous & Mesoporous Materials, 02.09.2015
S. Kowalak, M. Lukarska, A. Jankowska,
J. Gapiński
, S. Valable, C. Anfray, B. Menard, S. Mintova
Dynamical properties of nimodipine molecules confined in SBA-15 matrix
Chemical Physics, 2016, 475, 126–130
A. Kiwilsza
, A. Pajzderska, J. Mielcarek,
J. Jenczyk
J. Wąsicki
Modified Nucleic Acids in Biology and Medicine
Springer, 2016, 18 chapters, pp.453, Book Series: RNA Technologies
S. Jurga
, V.A. Erdmann,
J. Barciszewski
Poly(ethylene oxide)-block-polystyrene thin films morphology controlled by drying conditions and substrate topography
European Polymer Journal, Volume 75, 2016, 234–242
J. Jenczyk
L. E. Coy
S. Jurga
Complementary studies of NMR spin diffusion and atomic force microscopy - Structural characterization of diblock copolymers
Polymer, 2016, 99, 90–96
J. Jenczyk
S. Jurga
Core–shell fluorinated methacrylate nanoparticles with Rhodamine-B for confocal microscopy and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy applications
Journal of Fluorine Chemistry, 2016, 183, 92–99
, Y. Zhangc,
T. Śliwa
J. Mazuryk
T. Deptuła
, M. Kucinska, M. Murias, J. Buitenhuis,
J. Gapiński
A. Patkowski
Effect of different photoanode nanostructures on the initial charge separation and electron injection process in dye sensitized solar cells: A photophysical study with indoline dyes
Materials Chemistry and Physics, Volume 170, 15 February 2016, Pages 218–228
J. Idígoras,
J. Sobuś
M. Jancelewicz
, E. Azaceta, R. Tena-Zaera, J. A. Anta, M. Ziółek
Graphene material prepared by thermal reduction of the electrochemically synthesized graphite oxide
RSC Adv., 2016,6, 63058-63063
B. Gurzęda,
P. Florczak
M. Wiesner
M. Kempiński
S. Jurga
, P. Krawczyk
Synthesis of graphite oxide by electrochemical oxidation in aqueous perchloric acid
Carbon 2016, 100, 540–545
B. Gurzęda,
P. Florczak
M. Kempiński
B. Peplińska
, P. Krawczyk,
S. Jurga
Structural Characterization of a Dimer of RNA Duplexes Composed of CGG Trinucleotide Repeats: a Novel Architecture of RNA Quadruplexes
Nucleic Acids Research, 2016, 44(5):2409-16
D. Gudanis,
Ł. Popenda
, K. Szpotkowski, R. Kierzek, Z. Gdaniec
Generation of Transgenic Porcine Fibroblast Cell Lines Using
Nanomagnetic Gene Delivery Vectors, Molecular Biotechnology, 2016, Volume 58, Issue 5, pp 351–361
B. Grześkowiak
S. Hryhorowicz
K. Tuśnio
M. Grzeszkowiak
K. Załęski
, D. Lipiński, J. Zeyland, O. Mykhaylyk, R. Słomski,
S. Jurga
A. Woźniak
The effect of gold shape and size on the properties and visible light-induced photoactivity of Au-TiO2
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2016, 196, 27-40
A. Gołąbiewska, A. Malankowska,
M. Jarek
, W. Lisowski,
G. Nowaczyk
S. Jurga
, A. Zaleska-Medynska
Structure and dimensions of core – shell nanoparticles comparable to the confocal volume studied by means of FCS
Langmuir, 2016, 32 (10), pp 2482–2491
J. Gapiński
, , J. Buitenhuis,
T. Deptuła
J. Mazuryk
A. Patkowski
In search of the mutual relationship between the structure, solid-state spectroscopy and molecular dynamics in selected calcium channel blockers
European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2016, 85, 63-83
K. Drużbicki, A. Pajzderska,
A. Kiwilsza
J. Jenczyk
, D. Chudoba,
M. Jarek
, J. Mielcarek,
J. Wąsicki
Computer enhancement of ESR spectra of magnetite nanoparticles
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2016, vol. 407, 114-121
B. Dobosz
, , M. Koralewski,
M. Hałupka-Bryl
Orientation dependent Ti diffusion in YNMO/STO thin films deposited by pulsed laser deposition
Applied Surface Science, 2016, 387, 864-868
L. E. Coy
, L. Yate, J. Ventura,
K. Załęski
K. Tadyszak
Topographic reconstruction and mechanical analysis of atomic layer deposited Al2O3/TiO2 nanolaminates by nanoindentation
Materials & Design, 2016, Volume 111, 584–591
L. E. Coy
, L. Yate,
Z. Kabacińska
M. Jancelewicz
S. Jurga
I. Iatsunskyi
PEG-MWCNT/Fe hybrids as multi-modal contrast agents for MRI and optical imaging
RSC Adv., 2016, Accepted Manuscript, DOI: 10.1039/C6RA09191A
A. Baranowska-Korczyc
M. Jasiurkowska-Delaporte
B.M.M. Maciejewska
A. Warowicka
L. E. Coy
T. Zalewski
, K. K. Koziol,
S. Jurga
Antimicrobial electrospun poly(ε-caprolactone) scaffolds for gingival fibroblast growth
RSC Advances, 2016, 6, 19647-19656, 04 Feb 2016, (DOI: 10.1039/C6RA02486F)
A. Baranowska-Korczyc
A. Warowicka
M. Jasiurkowska-Delaporte
B. Grześkowiak
M. Jarek
B.M.M. Maciejewska
, J. Jurga-Stopa,
S. Jurga
Synthesis, structure, EPR studies and up-conversion luminescence of ZnO:Er3+–Yb3+@Gd2O3 nanostructures
RSC Adv., 2016,6, 89305-89312
N. Babayevska
B. Peplińska
M. Jarek
, L. Yate,
K. Tadyszak
J. Gapiński
I. Iatsunskyi
S. Jurga
The effect of hydrogen bonding propensity and enantiomeric composition on the dynamics of supercooled ketoprofen – dielectric, rheological and NMR studies
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2016, 18, 10585-10593
, K. Kaminski,, M. Tarnacka,
K. Szutkowski
Ł. Popenda
G. Bartkowiak
, M. Paluch
Green synthesis of rifampicin-loaded copper nanoparticles with enhanced antimicrobial activity
J Mater Sci: Mater Med, 2017, 28, 42
M. Woźniak-Budych
Ł. Przysiecka
, ,
B. Peplińska
M. Jarek
M. Wiesner
G. Nowaczyk
S. Jurga
Nanoparticle string formation on self-assembled copolymer films
Appl. Surf. Sci., 2017, 406, 235–244
J. Jenczyk
M. Woźniak-Budych
M. Jarek
M. Grzeszkowiak
G. Nowaczyk
S. Jurga
Influence of silver content on rifampicin adsorptivity for magnetite/Ag/rifampicin nanoparticles
Nanotechnology, 2017, 28(5) 055603
O. Ivashchenko
L. E. Coy
B. Peplińska
M. Jarek
M. Lewandowski
K. Załęski
A. Warowicka
A. Woźniak
, T. Babutina, J. Jurga-Stopa, J. Dolinsek,
S. Jurga
Release and cytotoxicity studies of magnetite/Ag/antibiotic nanoparticles: an interdependent relationship
Colloids and surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2017, 152(1):85–94
O. Ivashchenko
A. Woźniak
L. E. Coy
B. Peplińska
J. Gapiński
S. Jurga
Functionalized multimodal ZnO@Gd
nanosystems to use as perspective contrast agent for MRI
Appl. Surf. Sci., 2017, 404, 129-137
N. Babayevska
P. Florczak
M. Woźniak-Budych
M. Jarek
G. Nowaczyk
T. Zalewski
S. Jurga
Enhancement of optical and mechanical properties of Si nanopillars by ALD TiO2 coating
RSC Adv., 2016, DOI: 10.1039/C6RA21742G
M. Pavlenko
L. E. Coy
M. Jancelewicz
K. Załęski
, V. Smyntyna,
S. Jurga
I. Iatsunskyi
Synthesis and study of bifunctional core-shell nanostructures based on ZnO@Gd2O3
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2016, DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2016.02.18
N. Babayevska
G. Nowaczyk
M. Jarek
K. Załęski
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Mothers’ cafeteria diet induced sex-specific changes in fat content, metabolic profiles, and inflammation outcomes in rat offspring
J. Matuszewska,
T. Zalewski
A. Klimaszyk
, K. Ziarniak,
S. Jurga
, A. Chmurzynska, J. H. Sliwowska
Mothers’ cafeteria diet induced sex-specific changes in fat content, metabolic profiles, and inflammation outcomes in rat offspring
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