Dr. Eng. Bartosz Grześkowiak
Ph.D., Agricultural sciences – Biotechnology, Poznan University of Life Sciences, NanoBioMedical Centre, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan
+48 61 829 6707
Research interests:
- Synthesis, characterization and biofunctionalization of nanoparticles
- Development of nanosystems for nucleic acid delivery into cells
- Investigation of nanoparticles:DNA complexes internalization into cells
- Cytogenetic and physical gene mapping,
- Gene expression analysis
Selected publications:
- B. Grześkowiak, Y. Sánchez-Antequera, E. Hammerschmid, M.Döblinger, D. Eberbeck, A. Woźniak, R. Słomski, C. Plank, O. Mykhaylyk, Nanomagnetic Activation as a Way to Control the Efficacy of Nucleic Acid Delivery, Pharmaceutical Research 2014, 32(1), 103-121
- B. Sokół, A. Woźniak, R. Jankowski, S. Jurga, N. Wąsik, H. Shahid, B. Grześkowiak, HMGB1 Level in Cerebrospinal Fluid as a Marker of Treatment Outcome in Patients with Acute Hydrocephalus Following Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage, doi:10.1016/j.jstrokecerebrovasdis.2015.05.002