
NanoBioMedical Center with its unique top-class laboratories, is one of the most innovative research centers of this kind in Poland. It is an essential basis for master and PhD researchers who conduct their research, also within European grants, with usage of this equipment. The following laboratories are available: 

  • NMR Spectroscopy an Imaging Laboratory for studying molecular dynamics and structure of nanomaterials with usage of: NMR Spectrometer 800 MHz for determining of structure of biochemical samples, NMR Spectrometer 600 MHz for diffusion measurements and microimaging with extremely high resolution, NMR 400 MHz Spectrometer for solids and routine studies of liquids. The Imaging part of this laboratory is also equipped with Magnetic Resonance Imager 400 MHz for investigations of small
  • Microscope Laboratory for analyses of nanomaterials and nanostructures with: Scanning Tunnelling Microscope (STM/AFM) operating at Ultra High Vacuum conditions and low temperature, High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscope HRTEM 200kV for imaging at sub-angstrom level and analysis of chemical compounds, Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) for solids and soft matter, Focused Ion Beam which is sophisticated preparation tool of samples for electron microscopes, Near-Field Scanning Optical Microscope (NSOM), Atomic Force Microscopes (also integrated with Raman spectrometer) for solids, liquids and biological samples, Super Resolution Optical Microscope - STED, Fast Multibeam Scanning Confocal Microscope for studies of nanomaterials and nanocomposites i.e. magnetic nanomaterials for spintronics, nanomaterials for medicine, nanomaterials as sensors, polymeric nanomaterials
  • Optical Spectroscopy Laboratory for optical analysis and photonic interaction with nanomaterials and biological materials, and also for quantum effects research, specific to this class of materials mainly by means of Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS)
  • Chemistry Laboratory for studies of chemical and physical properties of nanoparticles and nanostructures mainly by means of optical spectroscopy and for sample preparation
  • Biology Laboratory for studies of processes in nanobiology including cellular sensors, biomembranes, nanocapsules, drug therapies monitoring at cellular level with usage of: In Cell Analyser, Surface Plasmon Resonance Biosensor, fluorescence microscopy, flow cytometry
  • Medical Laboratory for tissue engineering, detection and therapy with Fluorescence Molecular Tomography system, Electron Spin Resonance Scanner, and uses animal MRI
  • Nanostructures Laboratory for nanomaterials’ production and their characterization with physical methods. Nanostructure laboratory is equipped with many top class devices such as Atomic Layer Deposition, Reactive Ion Etching and systems for growth of carbon nanotubes. These instruments enable production of various nanostructures for electronic, medical and biological applications at the highest quality level
  • Clean Room for nanomaterials’ production in extremely clean conditions. Laboratory consists of three rooms of different class: 1000 and 100
  • Vision and Neuroscience Laboratory for carrying out research in the following fields: Neuroscience and psychophysiology, Refraction and binocular vision, Eye disease etiology and contactology, Characteristics of optical materials for diagnosing eye diseases and creating ocular prostheses. The following devices will be used for the research: electroencephalography system (EEG), transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) which is a noninvasive method that uses electromagnetic induction to induce weak electric currents using a rapidly changing magnetic field; this may cause activity in specific or general parts of the brain and it allows for studying brain's functioning and interconnections. Our laboratory is also equipped with motion analysis measuring system, corneal topography also known as photokeratoscopy, serving as a technique for mapping the surface curvature of the cornea, the outer structure of the eye, next, spectral optical coherent tomography which typically employs near-infrared light and is used to obtain detailed images from within the retina. We can also boast an ophthalmological ultrasonography scanning apparatus, or fundus camera used for monitoring the progression of a disease, diagnosis of a disease combined with retinal angiography. Moreover, in the laboratory, optical units, USG of eyeball, eyetracking system, specular microscope, corneal topography, are applied for regular diagnosis.

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