M.Sc. Eng. Jakub Szewczyk
Master of Science in Materials Science, Bachelor of Engineering in Chemical Technology, Faculty of Ceramics and Materials Science, AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Poland
Master thesis title: "The influence of pyrolysis parameters on structure, microstructure and oxidation resistance of coatings based on SiAlOC glasses."
Speciality: Functional materials
+48 570 468 587
Development and characterization of biomimetic polymer/semiconductor laminar heterojunctions for efficient photocatalytic water splitting
Eng. Emerson Coy, Ph.D, D.Sc.
NanoBioMedical Centre, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
Research interests:
- Functional thin coatings,
- Potocatalysts for water splitting,
- Electron microscopy,
- Materials structure investigation.
Selected publications:
- Bik, M., Szewczyk, J., Jeleń, P., Długoń, E., Simka, W., Sowa, M., Tyczkowski, J., Balcerzak, J., Bik, E., Mroczka, K., Leśniak, M., Barańska, M. and Sitarz, M. Optimization of the formation of coatings based on SiAlOC glasses via structural, microstructural and electrochemical studies, Electrochimica Acta, 2019, 309, p. 44–56.