Prof. Bogusław Mróz
Team for monitoring the implementation of the AMU Development Strategy
Department of Nanostructure Physics, Faculty of Physics, AMU
+48 61 829 5204
Research interests:
- Experimental solid state physics
- Brillouin spectroscopy
- Multiferroics
- Shape Memory Alloys
- Surface dynamics
- Phase transitions
- Nanoscale artificial solids with absolute band gap
Selected publications:
- B. Graczykowski, S. Mielcarek, T. Breczewski, M. L. No, J. San-Juan, B. Mroz, Martensitic phase transition in Cu–14%Al–4%Ni shape memory alloys studied by Brillouin Light scattering, Smart Materials and Structures 2013, 22, 085027,
- B. Graczykowski, S. Mielcarek, A. Trzaskowska, J. Sarkar, P. Hakonen, B. Mroz, Tuning of a hypersonic surface phononic band gap using a nanoscale two-dimensional lattice of pillars, Physical Review B 2012, 86, 085426.
- B. Graczykowski, P. Biskupski, B. Mroz, S. Mielcarek, M. L. No, J. San Juan, Elastic properties of Cu-Al-Ni shape memory alloys studied by dynamic mechanical analysis, Smart Materials and Structures 2010, 20, 015010.
- G. Quirion, W. Wu, O. Aktas, J. Rideout, M. J. Clouter, B. Mroz, Landau model for the elastic properties of ferroelastic Rb4LiH3(SO4)4, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 2009, 21, 455901.