Dr. Tomasz Zalewski
Ph.D. in Physics, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland, 2007
Scientific discipline: physics, biophysics, medical physics
+48 61 829 6708
Research interests:
Selected publications:
- T. Zalewski, P. Lubiatowski, J. Jaroszewski, E. Szcześniak, S. Kuśmia, J. Kruczyński, S. Jurga, Scaffold-aided repair of articular cartilage studied by MRI, Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine 2008, 21(3), 177-185.
- M. Garnczarska, T. Zalewski, Ł. Wojtyla, A comparative study of water distribution and dehydrin protein localization in maturing pea seeds, Journal of Plant Physiology 2008, 165(18), 1940-1946.
- M. Garnczarska, T. Zalewski, M. Kempka, Changes in water status and water distribution in maturing lupine seeds studied by MR imaging and NMR spectroscopy, Journal of Experimental Botany 2007, 58(14), 3961-3969.