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The PhD student will be responsible for fabrication and characterization of plasmonic nanostructures and designing plasmonic devices for applications in biosensing.

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The Organizing Committee of the NanoTech Poland 2021 - 11th International Conference, 9th-11th June 2021, has a great pleasure to invite you to attend virtually this scientific event and to enjoy the community of professionals in the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology.

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The research will be carried out at the NanoBioMedical Center of the University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań: - Synthesis of solid state ionic materials - Analysis of material properties by means of X-ray, Magnetic Nuclear Resonance, microscopy and calorimetry - Contribution to the preparation of scientific articles - Presentation of project results at scientific conferences and workshops

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The research will be carried out at the NanoBioMedical Center of the University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań: - Synthesis of solid state ionic materials - Analysis of material properties by means of X-ray, Magnetic Nuclear Resonance, microscopy and calorimetry - Contribution to the preparation of scientific articles - Presentation of project results at scientific conferences and workshops

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We are looking for a highly motived PhD student to carry out a research project under the supervision of Dr Sergio E Moya at the NanoBioMedical Center, the Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, the project is implemented under the program OPUS 17 National Science Centre Poland.

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We are looking for two motivated post doctoral researchers interested in working with soft materials for nanomedicine under the framework of an OPUS 17 National Science Centre Poland, project supervised by Dr. Sergio E. Moya at the NanoBiomedical Center at , the Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland.

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Two Scholarships are offered for candidates with MSc in physics, chemistry or related fields. The candidates will join the project "Understanding the Interface of Polydopamine and Semiconductor Nanomaterials for Photocatalytic Water Splitting"

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We regret very much to inform you that the 11th international conference NanoTech Poland 2020, Poznań, June 3rd - 7th, due to the escalation of COVID-19 coronavirus in Poland and worldwide, is canceled.

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The scholarship is offered for a candidate with MSc in physics, chemistry or related fields. The candidate will join the project "Cubosomes - liquid crystalline nanoparticles as potential system for bioimaging”.

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“In-Vitro Biological Fate And Protein Corona Studies Of Advance Polymeric Nano carriers” the project is implemented under the program OPUS 17 National Science Centre Poland

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