Dr. Igor Zhukov
Ph.D Biophysics, Biochemistry and Biophysics Instytute at PAOS , Warszawa, Poland, 2001
Research interests:
- Structural analysis of high resolution three-dimensional structures of proteins in solution based on NMR data;
- Studies of backbone dynamics in proteins based on 15N relaxation data in regard of 3D structure and interactions with small ligands and target biomolecules;
- Develop and application multidimensional NMR techniques for speed-up and improve accuracy determination of protein structures.
Selected publications:
- A. R. Choudhury, A. Perdih, S. Zuperl, E. Sikorska, T. Solmajer, S. Jurga, I. Zhukov, M. Novic, Structural elucidation of transmembrane transporter protein bilitranslocase: Conformational analysis of the second transmembrane region TM2 by molecular dynamics and NMR spectroscopy, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Biomembranes 2013, 1828, 2609-2619.
- M. Lenarcic-Zivkovic, M. Zareba-Koziol, L. Zhukova, J. Poznanski, I. Zhukov, A. Wyslouch-Cieszynska, Post-translational S-Nitrosylation is an endogenous factor fine tuning the properties of human S100A1 protein, Journal of Biological Chemistry 2012, 287, 40457-40470.
- I. Biljan, G. Giachin, G. Ilc, I. Zhukov, J. Plavec, G. Legname, Structural basis for the protective effect of the human prion protein carrying the dominant-negative E219K polimorphism, Biochemical Journal 2012, 446, 243-251.
- M. Nowakowski, L. Jaremko, M. Jaremko, I. Zhukov, A. Belczyk, A. Bierzynski, A. Ejchart, Solution NMR structure and dynamics of human apo-S100A1 protein, Journal of Structural Biology 2011, 174, 391-399.