Maciej Wiesner, Ph.D, D.Sc.
Member of the Research Council
+48 61 829 5192
Research interests:
- Nanoelectronics
- Nanoelectromechanical resonators
- Electron transport in graphene
- Topological insulators
- Electron-phonons coupling in 2D systems
- Elastic properties of materials
- Fabrication of low dimensional systems
Selected publications:
- A. Fay, R. Danneau, J. K. Viljas, F. Wu, M. Y. Tomi, J. Wengler, M. Wiesner, P. J. Hakonen, Shot noise and conductivity at high bias in bilayer graphene: Signatures of electron-optical phonon coupling, Physical Review B 2011, 84, 245427.
- J. K. Viljas, A. Fay, M. Wiesner, P. J. Hakonen Self-heating and nonlinear current-voltage characteristics in bilayer graphene, Physical Review B 2011, 83, 205421.
- H. Alles, J. Aarik, A. Aidla, A. Fay, J. Kozlova, A. Niilisk, M. Pärs, M. Rähn, M. Wiesner, P. Hakonen, V. Sammelselg, Atomic layer deposition of HfO2 on graphene from HfCl4 and H2O, Central European Journal of Physics 2011, 9(2), 319-324.
- M. Wiesner, Ferroelastic crystals and their nonlinear elastic properties observed in frequency range from gigahertz to milihertz, Phase Transitions 2009, 82(10), 699.