Dr. Paweł Zawadzki
Ph.D. in Biology, Department of Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, 2009
Research interests:
- DNA repair, chromosome organisation, DNA topology
Selected publications:
- Stracy M., Jaciuk M., Uphoff S., Kapanidis A., Nowotny M., Sherratt DJ., Zawadzki P., Single-molecule imaging of UvrA and UvrB recruitment to DNA lesion in living Escherichia coli, 2016, Nature Communications, 7:12568
- Duchi, D., Bauer DLV., Fernandez L., Evans G., Robb N., Hwang LC., Gryte K., Tomescu A., Zawadzki P., Morichaud Z., Brodolin K., and Kapanidis AN, RNA Polymerase pausing during initial transcription, 2016, MolCell, 63, 1–12
- Zawadzki P., Stracy M., Ginda K., Lesterlin C., Zawadzka K., Kapanidis A., and Sherratt DJ, The localization and action of topoisomerase IV in Escherichia coli chromosome segregation is coordinated by the SMC complex, MukBEF. Cell Reports, 2015, 13:2587-96
- May P., Zawadzki P., Sheratt D., Arciszewska L., Kapanidis A., Assembly, translocation and activation of XerCD-dif recombination by FtsK analyzed in real-time by FRET and two-color TFM, PNAS, 2015, 112, 5133-5141
- Stracy M, Lesterlin C, Garza de Leon F, Uphoff S, Zawadzki P, Kapanidis AN, Live cell super-resolution microscopy reveals the organization of transcription machinery in the bacterial nucleoid, PNAS, 2015, 110, 4390-99
- May P., Pinkney J.N.M., Zawadzki P., Evans G., Sherratt J.D., Kapanidis N.A., Tethered fluorophore motion: studying large DNA conformational changes by single-fluorophore imaging, Biophys J. 2014, Sep 2;107(5):1205-16
- Zawadzki P., May P., Pinkney J.N.M., Baker R., Kapanidis N.A., Sherratt J.D., Arciszewska K.L., Conformational transitions during FtsK translocase activation of individual XerCD-dif recombination complexes, 2013, PNAS. 110,17302-7