Poznań Science and Art Festival

10.05.2017 16:03
On April 26th, the employees of the NanoBioMedical Center took part in the jubilee, 20th edition of the Poznań Science and Art Festival. Three events were organised in the NBMC: an open day, with the possibility to visit our laboratories, workshops, where one could perform analysis of nanomaterials using electron microscopy and magnetic resonance, and an interactive lecture: "Many names of carbon"
The Poznań Science and Art Festival is a four-day academic festival popularizing science and art among the community of Poznań and its surroundings. It was created on the initiative of Poznan universities and the Poznan branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences. The common, unifying goal was, and still is, the desire to interest the participants in science and arts.

More information can be found on Festival's website (http://festiwal.amu.edu.pl/).

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