- 2nd Polish-Chinese/Chinese-Polish Joint Research Call: “Construction of Multifunctional Nanosystems for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Ischemic Heart Diseases (nanoHEART). The NBMC will carry out the project in cooperation with prof. Wei Wang from Tianjin University. The head of the Polish part is prof Stefan Jurga. The project budget is 2 150 000 PLN.
- M-ERA.NET: 2D regular nanostructures for lasing and sensing applications (LaSensA) carried out in cooperation with scientific and industrial units from Latvia (Kaunas University of Technology - lider; Nanoversa), Germany (Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden) and Japan (National Institute for Materials Science, Tsukuba). The head of the Polish part is prof. Stefan Jurga. The project budget is 812 990 PLN.