PostDoc position

The fellowships will be an opportunity to work with cutting edge research in NMR dynamics on a modern NMR spectrometers, equipped for variable temperature multinuclear liquid and solid state measurements. The spectrometers are also equipped with a strong pulsed field gradient accessory for the state-of-art studies of translational diffusion in heterogeneous systems and for microimaging. Complementary techniques will be also utilized within this project (DSC, BDS etc).

Applicants should have a Ph.D. and strong background in in NMR spectroscopy especially relaxation and/or diffusion measurements and experimental data processing.

The project will be supervised by Prof. Stefan Jurga, NanoBioMedical Centre, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland (e-mail contact:

This position offers: 1,5 year contract from September 2018.
Interested candidates should submit:
    brief description of research expertise and plans (1–2 pages)
    list of publications
    copy of PhD thesis (or a link for downloading)
    two letters of recommendation

Submissions should be emailed to not later than August 5th, 2018. Shortlisted candidates may be invited for an interview.

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