Dear all
The Organizing Committee of the NanoTech Poland 2023 - 13th International Conference, 14th-16th June 2021, has a great pleasure to invite you to attend this scientific event and to enjoy the community of professionals in the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology.
The conference promises an interesting, also in its diversity, scientific programme, and an international forum for the discussion on the latest scientific achievements and challenges in the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology. An important conference activity will be the Young Researchers Forum, the purpose of which is to recognize early-stage researchers by giving them the opportunity of presenting their recent scientific accomplishments in short oral presentations and during poster session.
Conference programme will feature a strong scientific agenda focused on Nanotechnology in energy, electronics, environment, biomedicine and other relevant fields.
We look forward to your participation in NanoTech Poland 2023.
The Organizing Committee
Conference website: https://nanotechpoland.amu.edu.pl/
Important deadlines: https://nanotechpoland.amu.edu.pl/deadlines-and-fees