The conference and exhibition is organized by the NanoBioMedical Centre and Faculty of Physics, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. The conference is an annual event organized since 2011. Firstly, it was organized under the name of Summer Symposium on Nanomaterials and their Application to Biology and Medicine, and since 2016 as the NanoTech Poland.
The aim of the NanoTech Poland 2018 is to bring together the scientific community - principal investigators, scientists, researchers, analysts, clinicians, policy makers, industry experts, the well-established and the budding entrepreneurs to discuss the present and future perspectives in nanotechnology and nanoscience research and development.
Conference programme features a strong scientific agenda focused on Nanotechnology in energy, environment and biomedicine and will include two thematic sections:
Section A: Advanced nanomaterials
Section B: Nanobiomedicine
The NanoTech Poland conference series have grown beyond the initial scope and in the upcoming year the 1st Symposium on Polydopamine will also take place during the conference, and it will be the first international forum dedicated to the application of polydopamine and related catechol materials in variety of research fields, both at nano and macroscale. Symposium will gather the leading scientists from this important research field from the top universities and institutions that have been involved in the research revolved around polydopamine. It is going to be the first meeting of international community with opportunity to discuss the up-to-date situation in the field and to propose new directions and initiative in this emerging area.
Conference Organizers would like to recognize early stage researchers and therefore cordially invite Young Researchers to present their recent scientific accomplishments in a short oral presentation during the Young Researchers Forum.
The integral element of the conference will be the Exhibition, which will provide the place for valuable networking and interaction between science and industry. The Exhibition will be targeted at entrepreneurs and companies, which directly or indirectly deal with the nanoscience and nanotechnology. Exhibitors and conference sponsors are strongly encouraged to present their based on scientific achievement products and possible area of collaboration.
We look forward to your participation in NanoTech Poland 2018
The Organizing Committee