Budget: 9 929 470,50 EUR
Start date: 01.05.2016
Duration: 48 months
Under the EUSMI platform, we offer the open-access to our Nuclear Magnetic Resonance infrastructure at NanoBioMedical Centre at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań/Poland. European Soft Matter Infrastructure Platform (EUSMI) is coordinated by Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH in Germany. The main objective of EUSMI is to support and extend interdisciplinary research in the soft matter science.
We offer two access modes: (1) service where the user requests the measurement or (2) access where the user visits EUSMI installation in order to learn how to perform the experiment. In the case of the access mode, we reimburse the travel and accommodation costs.
In order to participate please submit the official proposal and send it via the EUSMI website:
The proposal should be written in a concise form. After the successful evaluation by the panel of experts the access to the infrastructure will be granted.
For more details please contact using the following email: cnbmadm@amu.edu.pl
More information
EUSMI will provide the community of European soft-matter researchers with an open-access infrastructure as a platform to support and extend their research, covering characterization, synthesis, and modeling.
Where ESMI has set the standard for the past five years, EUSMI will significantly go beyond. EUSMI will enhance the European competitiveness in soft-matter research and innovation through the integration and the extension of the scope of existing specialized infrastructures. A full suite of coherent key infrastructures and the corresponding expertise from 15 top-level institutions are combined within EUSMI, which will become accessible to a broad community of researchers operating at different levels of the value chain, including SMEs and applied research. Access is offered to infrastructures covering the full chain of functional soft-matter material research, ranging from advanced material characterization by a full suite of specialized experimental installations, including large-scale facilities, chemical synthesis of a full set of soft-matter materials, upscaling of laboratory synthesis, to modeling by high-performance supercomputing.
The existing infrastructure will be continuously improved by JRA to allow users to conduct research always employing the most advanced techniques and methods.
In addition, an ambitious networking programme will ensure efficient dissemination and communication, as well as continued education of established researchers and training of an emerging generation of scientist. This approach will drive academic research and innovation in soft nanotechnology by providing a multidisciplinary set of essential research capabilities and expertise to guide users, developing the next generation of techniques and instruments to synthesize, characterize, and numerically simulate novel soft matter materials and contributing to the creation of a broad knowledge basis.
EUSMI online proposal system is active HERE
Under the EUSMI platform, we offer the open-access to our Nuclear Magnetic Resonance infrastructure at NanoBioMedical Centre at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań/Poland. European Soft Matter Infrastructure Platform (EUSMI) is coordinated by Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH in Germany. The main objective of EUSMI is to support and extend interdisciplinary research in the soft matter science.
We offer two access modes: (1) service where the user requests the measurement or (2) access where the user visits EUSMI installation in order to learn how to perform the experiment. In the case of the access mode, we reimburse the travel and accommodation costs.
In order to participate please submit the official proposal and send it via the EUSMI website:
The proposal should be written in a concise form. After the successful evaluation by the panel of experts the access to the infrastructure will be granted.
For more details please contact using the following email: cnbmadm@amu.edu.pl
More information
EUSMI will provide the community of European soft-matter researchers with an open-access infrastructure as a platform to support and extend their research, covering characterization, synthesis, and modeling.
Where ESMI has set the standard for the past five years, EUSMI will significantly go beyond. EUSMI will enhance the European competitiveness in soft-matter research and innovation through the integration and the extension of the scope of existing specialized infrastructures. A full suite of coherent key infrastructures and the corresponding expertise from 15 top-level institutions are combined within EUSMI, which will become accessible to a broad community of researchers operating at different levels of the value chain, including SMEs and applied research. Access is offered to infrastructures covering the full chain of functional soft-matter material research, ranging from advanced material characterization by a full suite of specialized experimental installations, including large-scale facilities, chemical synthesis of a full set of soft-matter materials, upscaling of laboratory synthesis, to modeling by high-performance supercomputing.
The existing infrastructure will be continuously improved by JRA to allow users to conduct research always employing the most advanced techniques and methods.
In addition, an ambitious networking programme will ensure efficient dissemination and communication, as well as continued education of established researchers and training of an emerging generation of scientist. This approach will drive academic research and innovation in soft nanotechnology by providing a multidisciplinary set of essential research capabilities and expertise to guide users, developing the next generation of techniques and instruments to synthesize, characterize, and numerically simulate novel soft matter materials and contributing to the creation of a broad knowledge basis.
EUSMI online proposal system is active HERE