Professor Stefan Jurga honored with the 20th anniversary of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University Statuette

19.12.2019 12:33
In the 20th anniversary of the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw, on December 9, Prof. dr hab. Stefan Jurga was honored with the "Towards a Man" statuette in thanks for the services to the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University. The title of the statuette refers to the commemorative book, which the community of the Academy of Catholic Theology gave to Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński on the 25th anniversary of his episcopal ordination.

The genesis of the award goes back to the publication created by Bishop Bohdan Bejze, whose works were devoted to, among others, contemporary philosophical thought and issues related to Polish Christianity.

Retransmission of the 20th anniversary Gala, during which statuettes "Towards Man" were awarded will take place on December 23 at 21:00 at TVP 1.

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